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In our exciting interview today, we discuss The Adventures of Rosy Posy: Friendship , What inspired Dr. Rangaves to write her first children’s book, How can parents use her book as a tool to start some meaningful conversation with their child. Here is the link to get your own copy of The Adventures of Rosy Posy Papillion ...
Hey everyone, lots to do! Welcome back to yet another fun-filled episode of the Adventures of Rosy Posy Papillion Read the book and EXPLORE her website LISTEN to Jed Doherty ~ ~ PODCAST ...
Read the Adventures of Rosy Posy Papillion. She’s a smart, brave, and friendly Papillon! This is a good thing for children, parents, & educators! Read more…. Papillion is Rosy Posy ‘s last name, French for butterfly. Her breed is papillon, an inventive play on words. Papillion Name Meaning. English: from Old French p...
Everyday life is filled with people. So many that it’s easy to just move forward in our own direction without noticing what others are doing. What happens if we take time to notice? We discover the many, many gifts others have to offer us, our community and our world. Link: Casey's (Super Hero) Cape by Howard D. ...

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A SPARK OF HOPE is a joint effort by Facebook Groups How to Write for Success, Motivational Strips, and other affiliated groups. All the forums have as their mission SUICIDE PREVENTION. The project was initiated by a very caring author and Administrator of How to Write for Success, Narendra Rajkumar from Trinidad and Tobago. Au...

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